Tips From Top HVAC Contractors

Your heating and cooling system equipment runs best when properly maintained. One of the easiest ways to maintain your system is to change your filters on a regular basis. Also having you HVAC system serviced by top HVAC contractors from Joe Behr on an annual basis will help ensure that your system is not costing you more than it should. Plus proper maintenance will help increase the life of the system itself. If your home's system is in need of any HVAC repair or service, make sure to contact Joe Behr, here!

Benefits of Furnace Repair & Tune-Up in Mansfield, Ohio

There are a variety of benefits when upgrading or servicing your furnace. However, two benefits stick out the most when you receive a furnace repair.

  1. Your Family's Safety.
    A furnace is a gas appliance capable of leaking carbon monoxide into your home. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that is odorless and colorless. Small cracks in a heat exchanger or problems with the flue system could also allow deadly carbon monoxide gas to seep into your home.
  2. Save Money - In More Ways Than One.

    Just like you change the oil in your car regularly to make it last longer, you can also can extend the life of your furnace by 5-10 years by maintaining it annually. Let's face it, a new furnace is expensive - you'll save money by keeping the one you've already got in tip top shape.

    It's a fact that heating technicians report that 75% of the repairs they make could have been avoided if the homeowner had maintained their furnace regularly. The old adage, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" just doesn't apply here. Protect your investment in your furnace by having it regularly maintained.

    A well-tuned furnace also burns less gas- 5-10% less. And with the price of gas these days - the less you use the better! Your furnace tune-up will pay for itself in no time.

    Did your furnace seem to run longer and not heat as well as you thought it should at the end of last years heating season? Having your furnace cleaned and serviced will not only benefit you but it will increase the life of your system.

    Dirty burners can cause incomplete combustion, which results in sooting of your furnace and lower your efficiency of your furnace.

joe behr heating HVAC tips

Dirty blowers left unchecked can cause your furnace to overheat and lower the efficiency of your unit.
Improper gas pressure can cause improper combustion, which lowers your furnace's efficiency.

Common HVAC Services for Mansfield, Ohio's Trusted HVAC Contractor

Procedures that a service technician could perform during a regular service call. When you need an HVAC contractor that you can trust in the Richland County area, make sure to reach out to Joe Behr!

  • Clean & check condensing coil
  • Test & Adjust operating pressures
  • Test starting capabilities
  • Test & Adjust blower components
  • Lubricate necessary moving parts
  • Test all safety controls / devices
  • Clean or replace filters
  • Clean condensate drain
  • Test voltage and amp draw of motors
  • Calibrate thermostatli
  • Measure temperature differences
  • Clean evaporator if accessible

How to Know When to Replace Your HVAC System?

If you've been noticing a drop in your home's air quality and are considering a new HVAC system, it can be difficult knowing when to begin a replacement. The expert HVAC contractors at Joe Behr are here to help you identify when it may be time to give us a call to review your HVAC system.

If your HVAC system is ten to fifteen years old, then it may be time for a replacement. Modern HVAC systems are well built, however, some components of the system can begin to breakdown. This is made worse by excessive use. If you are a frequent user of your air conditioning and it is approaching this age marker, it may be time to call. Furthermore, your old AC may use outdate materials or parts, making it harder to service.

Some more signs that it may be time to replace your HVAC include:

  1. An increase in energy costs.
  2. It costs more to repair than to just replace.
  3. You can't control the temperature in your home as well as you used to be able to.
  4. You notice dust and other air pollutants impacting your air quality.

AC Repair with Joe Behr

If you've reviewed our tips and feel that your HVAC system is in need of repair, make sure to reach out to us, today! Our experience HVAC contractors will have your heating or AC repair completed efficiently and at a price you'll love. When it's time for AC repair, make sure to go with the best at Joe Behr and feel good about your decision to go with the professionals who always put customer service first!